Overwhelmed Series Prayer for Illumination

Here is the unison prayer for illumination we’ll be using for our Overwhelmed sermon series:

God of all, open our hearts and minds to find your Truth in all places. Teach us your unforced rhythms of grace that our lives might reflect your Wisdom. With Christ as our guide we live and pray. AMEN

And here is the image I made for us to use on our bulletin covers:

overwhelmed cover

Happy planning!

Prayers for Illumination (general)

General unison prayers said before the scripture reading(s).

God, open our hearts and minds so we can fully receive the Truth you need to hear today.  Kindle your Truth in our hearts so others would see it revealed through our lives.  Following Christ we pray. AMEN.

God of life, open us now to receive your dream for our lives and your Truth for our world, so we can follow your path and show others the way. United in Christ we pray. AMEN

God, in you are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Open our hearts to receive the truth of your Word. Help us understand and freely choose the way of your wisdom; in Christ’s way we pray. Amen.